Based in the desert of West Texas, Amara Bratcher is a full-time student minister who also writes, takes pictures and volunteers with at-risk children. She has written a book entitled The Bridge That Love Built for adopted kids who have gaps in the early years of their lives. She likes her coffee French Pressed and wears her hair curly 365 days a year. 

old people make me sad

I drove to work last week.
He was mowing his grass.

The mower looked like a walker, a little plastic toy that helps rubbery legs gain strength and babies learn independence.
He toddled behind it…and I mean toddled.
Left, right, left, right, every step a deliberate declaration, “I can do this on my own!”
He wore a jumpsuit, one zipper down the front.
His mouth agape, he had no sense of decorum.

It struck me then, it strikes me now, how undignified the poles of aging are…


standing ovation